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Willow Lake June 8th 1866
E.M. Wheelock

My school is improving slowly. Quite a number have left as the severe rains threatened the crop and Mr Levy has been paying extra wages to get the laborers to work over ten hours.

Those that remain are persevering and two large classes in my night school can read quite well in four letters by spelling the words. I have not been able to do any thing about writing.

I am discouraged. My day school is so small and the children mostly very young that it seems like throwing my time away. I have all the children here some coming two miles Four are attending Miss Byrnes school as it is much nearer.

Miss Appleton continues ill though out of danger and I go there as often as I can so my times is fully occupied.

I keep my Sunday School over an hour and one old man walks five miles every Sabbath to get his lesson.

E.C. Austin.