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McAlpin Plantation Grimes Co Texas

E M Wheelock Esq
Supt Schools F.C.T

Dear Sir:
I am pleased to inform you, that the Schollars at this place are doing well, in fact they show the greatest Interest to learn. We have Two (2) Plantations here with 35 Schollars at one place and 70 at the others. I go every alternate night to either place. I have had no Interruptions as yet although there is a great many Reports, but [[Nonce?]] hurt yet. Give my Respects to Mr. Honey if he is A. Bout
I am Very Respectfully
John Geraty

P.S. if you can send a lot of Sunday Schools Books &c They will be received with Thanks. Yours. John Geraty

We have no Day Schools in consequence of the Hands Being Employed in the field all day