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Brazoria Brazoria Co
Texas June 8th 66

Mr E M Wheelock

Sir In submitting my report this month, allow me to say although you may imagine Our progress; I admit tis slow but not unsatisfactory to myself; Any classes are spelling from two letters to two sylables Reading in 1st Rdr excep One 2n Rdr. These are the only ones I have reported Reading but all are reading the simple reading lessons found in the spelling book. 
My Recitations are the same as last reported except fewer with longer lessons. School hours from 9 to 5 with two hours recess at noon

Our Hindrances. The Colored people are not sure yet they will be allowed to educate they are in constant fear lest something should hapen and they and their teachers continually insulted they hardly know which side of the wheel to cling to. In Columbia and Brazoria after all that has been done by opposing elements not one word of rebuke has been given. No prompt action taken to expose their vilainy or bring them to justice So long as we follow up this kind milk & water policy the work will not go on with that vigor and energy which its importance demands. I would suggest that an Order be issued and made public Subjecting to punishment