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Willow Lake School near
Sandy Point, Texas July 2
E.M. Wheelock
Supt of Freedmen's School for Texas
A fight occurred here the first of the month and stopped most of my pupils from coming for a time. Then they were laboring very hard to save the cotton crop as the rainy weather let the weeds grow so fast, that they said they could not come till July. Manny nights I have gone with but one scholar. Their mistrust broken it is hard to rally them again. 
Sundays is their day of rest and I cannot get them out mornings. Generally they draw their allowance that day. In the afternoon there is preaching some times there is a big meeting at the Point (two miles from here) I have kept count this month and the number is the total number thay have attended during the month.
In my day school the parents kept requesting me to punish and in a few instances I have slapped them with my hand. These are little ones the larger I send word to their parents. It seems to be such a common thing for them to fight that I could not stop