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1. How many Day or Night schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? 0

2. No. of pupils in such schools? 0

3. Names of Teachers in such schools, and whether white or colored. 0

4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? 0

5. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools, and whether white or colored. 0

6. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools. 0

7. Whole amount of Tuition paid you by Freedmen, during the month. $30.00

8. Remarks. I resumed teaching Dec 1st and taught till Christmas. Then dismissed for the customary vacation, but did not resume school on Monday Dec 30th as I had intended an account of inclemency of the weather no having any other more wood for the classrooms.
 i opened an evening school at the school building on Pecan St.  and if it is thought advisable Miss Evans will move here day school there and I will occupy the Church the  ensuing month or during the cold weather in which case some of the desks and benches now at the Foundry will be required at those rooms.

Very respectfully