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In Alleyton Colorado Co., Texas.
For the Month ending June 30th, 1868


[[20 Columned Table]]
|   |No. Pupils Enrolled Last Report.|Admitted.|Left.|Total Enrollment.|Average Attendance.|No. Paying Tuition.|No. White Pupils.|No. Always Present.|No. Always Punctual.|Alphabet.|Primer.|1st. 2d and 3d Readers.|Mental and Written Arith.|Writing-State and C. Book|Geographer.|Higher Branches.|No. over 16 Years of Age.|No. on Needle Work.|No. Free before the War.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
[[/20 Columned Table]]

[[20 Columned Table]]
|   |No. Pupils Enrolled Last Report.|Admitted.|Left.|Total Enrollment.|Average Attendance.|No. Paying Tuition.|No. White Pupils.|No. Always Present.|No. Always Punctual.|Alphabet.|Primer.|1st. 2d and 3d Readers.|Mental and Written Arith.|Writing-State and C. Book|Geographer.|Higher Branches.|No. over 16 Years of Age.|No. on Needle Work.|No. Free before the War.|

| MALES..... |"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|
| FEMALES.....|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|
[[/20 Columned Table]]

Total attendance of Adults  --- 3 
Total attendance of Children --- 44

I certify that the above Report is correct, and that the Regulations have been complied with.
Nathaniel B Roach, Teacher.

Transcription Notes:
Needs REFORMATTING!!! LOOK AT INSTRUCTION PAGE!! Need spaces between bars and the words or numbers. I did the one area with bars and hyphens. Here is an example: | BOYS.... | 26 | 33 | 4 | | | this is how an empty space should be done. | Pupils. | Admitted. | is an example of how words should be done. 12-10-2020: Added missing transcriptions; Transcribe " in tables as is since they represent zeros and not ditto marks.