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This man is a good teacher and I think I shall place him at Millican.

The school at Millican has been closed some two weeks. In fact since the difficulty in July last the freedmen say they are afraid to send their scholars. The teachers Mr & Mrs J.W. Henley have done everything in their power to make this school a sucess. It was by far the best freed school that I ever visited. The school was well attended (about 55) and with considerable interest, some progress was made in Arithmetic, and Grammar. Not enough money was collected to furnish the teachers with the common necessaries of life. During the riot Mr Henley was obliged to leave the save his life. The school is now closed

The school at Bryan under the charge of C.S. Foster (col'd) is doing well about 45 scholars  Mr Foster is a preacher and has used every effort to build a suitable House for church & school purposes. They are somewhat in debt for their land and the House is barely covered. I forwarded contracts some time ago for the completion of said House, and am in hopes the Genl. will approve them as these freedmen have done all they can. There is material enough in Bryan to form a good school

A school has been recently started in Grimes Prarie
