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1. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau?
2. No of pupils in such schools.
3. Names of Teachers in such school, and whether white or colored.
4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau?
5. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools, and whether white or colored.
6. Number of pupils in such Sabbath Schools.
7. Whole amount of Tuition paid you by Freedman during the month.
Twenty Eight Dollars
8. Remarks. The freed people manifest  great anxiety to promote the education of their children, and are all pleased with my course. The disloyal whites, are still Hostile. Towards the teaching of the colored people and especially towards the teachers of Freeschools. But all they 
 say or do has no effect on the colored people in the vicinity. As loyal men possed of moral courage can not be tempered within, this good work must continue at all hazards