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1. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? One Day School

2. Number of pupils in such schools? [[stikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] fifteen

3. Names of Teachers in such schools, and whether white or colored. Griffin Tenney (white)

4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? None

5. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools, and whether white or colored. None

6. Number of pupils in such Sabbath Schools. None

7. Whole amount of Tuition paid you by Freedmen during the month. Not any as I have to wait until the freedpeople sell their cotton.

8. Remarks. This school has been very progressive up to this month, as the children has been very active, and over anxious to learn, this is their season for  picking cotton: the freedpeople are poor and the most of them has taken their children from school and placed them in the cotton fields, for to enable them to keep, them to school this coming winter, the disloyal whites has done all possible to them to cheat and keep the freedpeople poor, but during the past month, the rebels" are acting much better towards these people but the freedpeople are well aware of the sudden change in the rebels" They know they want them to vote for (Seymour) but they say they can not see it. Teachers of freed schools are considered as good as little pupp dogs down here, but loyal men possed of moral courage heed them not.