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Office Sub. Asst. Commr.
Bur R.F. and A. L.
Houston September 7 1868

Rev. Joseph Welch
Supt of Schools
State of Texas


Enclosed please find school reports of Jack Whitaker Teacher at Harrisburg and William Reynolds of this place.  I would respectfully state that these Reports were not handed in in Season to accompany my Monthly Reports and as "JW Whitaker." States that the School at Harrisburg kept by him will be discontinued on account of not being able to Collect his tuition fee he is unable to keep it any Longer also that his Opinion is that nothing but a free School can prosper at that place on account of the Poverty Existing among the freed people. There are two other private Schools for Freed Children kept in Houston One by Oreagan and the other by De Gaultier. Both of these Teachers have been asked by me to send in their reports but have failed to do so.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
M. E. Davis
Sub Asst Commr