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1. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? 0

2. No. of pupils in such Schools. 0

3. Names of Teachers in such Schools, and whether white or colored. 0

4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau? 0

5. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools, and whether white or colored. 0

6. Number of pupils in Sabbath Schools. 0

7. Whole amount of Tuition paid you by Freedmen during the month. None

8. Remarks. The general progress of the school is very good the children seen very anxious to have but the Freedmen are Divided about supporting the school. Please received only $1.50 [strikethrough] [[?]] [/strikethrough] cents for tuition since I commenced Teaching the 23 of last July
A part of of the Freedmen are going to open another school in Chancey [[prarie?]] Independent of the Bureau
The have a teacher employed and opened the school today
I wish the Superintendent would come to arrange the School or assign me to some other place for duty as Teacher