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1. Amount of tuition paid during the month. The time for collection is not yet only one dollar has been advised I am rather mealy mouthed you know the desposit of any race in such cases the tuition will be colected by eather bureau as trustees

2. Remarks.

The people redily and chearfuly assist in all things that needing done

Our school is prospering greatly all of the Alpabet class about 28 in No have in a manor learned it some can spell a little in Baker some who only knew the alphabet have in 4 weeks time [strikethrough] gone [/strikethrough] got to Luminery

I am a little uplifted with an experiment whitch I have just tried and have plain evidence sure success in teaching the arithmetical tables with much more ease and less time than the comon way [strikethrough] I believe that all will [/strikethrough] When it is properly composed it will not be a legour and life time task but an entetaining and memorable story

Let evry student learn the fable and nary one forget the table 

I hastily commend the Daily school register being sent to each teacher it will awake his senses to the knowledg of having to perform a task as well as being suited to his convenience

People go to school and are taught lesson by lsn to read write and cypher but they are not taught lsn by lsn how to put it to use but are merely told once in a while. They should be taught from a book regularly composed for the purpose our people need it they can come out of ignorance and poverty and that at their owen expense.

Transcription Notes:
12-12-2020: Completed the transcription; Spelling errors transcribed as is.