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1. Amount of tuition paid during the month.

2. Remarks.  Rev Jos Welch Supt. Education.
I again furnish your Department with a grammatical Synopsis, in reference to the Freedmen School of this village. Of the same, there is credit owing the Scholars in daily attendance for the aptness displayed among them. 

There were but two among the whole, who had any claim on any subject, before I entered among them as Teacher.  Now upon examination, it is strongly manifest, that among those pupils, there are as high in number, as Seven among the females, capable of reading in the Second readers, as well as others in the younger Division, now reading in the First Reader.

The zeal on my part, in decimating, the Domestic ignorance with which they were strongly and wantonly pregnated with was in nowise of a very easy undertaking.

Under several disadvantages this was prosecuted, furnished with poor accommodations, I mean a miserable room, and little or no light, paying for this month, the rent may say all, as the Freedmen informed me, that money for the present was behind.

The agent renting the room being a First class Rebel, would not credit a Freedmen, so I thought of closing his mouth. It is owing to many of the mothers of the children, that induced me to be so liberal in doing this, as I have performed this act once before.

Did make an omission in the Report of money as only about a third paid, not having the same at the time. The room rented is filled to an overflowing degree with members and Pastors of the churches recruiting and pruning as well as grafting the fruit trees. Will not depart from this report without imparting a few grains of the Grandiloquence displayed from the Rostrums in

Transcription Notes:
rostrum — a raised platform or dais