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1. Amount of tutition paid during the month. $43.20 

2. Remarks. Had it not been for several very stormy well as several very cold [[strikethrough]] days[[/strikethrough]] ones, my average attendance would have been much greater, it is really astonishing though to see the mud and water they wade through to-get to school. but there have been a few days in which it was almost impossible to study after they got there, on account of the extreme cold. I hope next year the "new School house" will be completed then teacher and scholars will not have that difficulty- to encounter. my pupils make good progress in their studies seem very much interested. especially a class in Montieth's No. 2 Geography. who are studying it for the first time, also a class in Robinson's Rudiments in Arithmetic. do not see but they get along just as well as white children. and I Have taken a great many white pupils over precisely the same ground as that upon which they are now advancing. Some argue that the colored people do not learn Arith. as readily as other branches. I have known white children that it seemed almost impossible to teach them Arithmetic

Yours Respectfully
Eunice Knapp