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June 20th 1869

Sherman Grayson
Co., Texas

Mr. Jo Welch

I have received orders from [[Bvt?]] [[Com?]] J W. 
Stevenson Bureau Refugee of Freedmen & A.L.
At Jefferson, Texas

Office Supt of Schools, To write to you for School blanks to give you the general progress of my school and also to inform you of the condition of our School house I am happy to inform I have a school in operation, and that all of my scholars are advancing very fast our School house is in very poor codition for School the Colored citizens has been so much oppressed in this part of the they have not been to do better our hous is intirely to small and is in very bad fix for to carry on a School in I have endeavored to carry my School to the best advantage with the hope that we may be better able to avance the cause of education in the future if you can render any assistence in regarde to the cause of education it will be thakfully received excuse my abruptness of introduction, you will oblige me by [[strikethrough]] sending me [[/strikethrough]] sending me some blank School reports so that I can give you the advancement of