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Chancey Prarie Feb 14, 1870
To the Supt of Ed.
I hope you will excuse the delay of my school report I trusted a messenger to stamp my letter which he neglected doing and it remained in the office 10 Days I shall be more punctual in the future. 
Your Obd Servant
John Parker, Teacher

Number always present?  50
Number always punctual?  50
Number over 16 years of age?  2
Number in Alphabet?   0
Number who spell, and read easy lessons?  30
Number in advanced readers?   30
Number in Geography?   30
Number in Arithmetic?   0
Number in higher branches?   0
Number in  Writing?    60
Number in Needle-work?    0
Number free before the war?   0
Have you a Sabbath School?    Yes
Have you an Industrial School?   0
State the kind of work done?   0

How many days have you taught this month?  20

Give reasons for deficiency, (if any) in teaching.

How many Teachers?  1
How many Pupils ?  60
How many Teachers?   1
How many Pupils   60

To the following questions give exact or approximate answers, prefixing to the latter the word "about".

1. Do you know of any School for Refugees or Freedmen not reported to the State Superintendent?
How many?
2. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in all such Schools?
No. of Teachers,  white  Colored
3. Do you know of Sabbath Schools not reported to the State Superintendent?  How many?
4. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in such schools?  No. of Teachers? White, Colored
5. State the public sentiment towards Colored schools.
6. How many pupils in your School are members of a Temperance Society? Name of the Society?
(signed)       Teacher

*Or School Committee, either District, Town, city, County, or state?
** A pupil is not to be Reported as enrolled until after five days' attendance.