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IN Harmony Walker Co, TEXAS.
FOR THE MONTH ENDING 1st. mon. (Jan.) 28th, 1870.


[[4 Columned Table]]

|   | MALES. | FEMALES. | TOTAL. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| No. pupils enr'led last Rep. | ... | ... | ... |
| Left........................ | ... | ... | ... |
| Admitted.................... | ... | ... | ... |
| Total enrollment............ | ... | ... | ... |
| Average attendance.......... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. who have paid tuition... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. white pupils............ | ... | ... | ... |
| No. always present.......... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. always punctual......... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. over 16 years of age.... | ... | ... | ... |
| Alphabet.................... | ... | ... | ... |
| Primer and First Reader..... | ... | ... | ... |
| Sec'd and advanced R'ders... | ... | ... | ... |
| Geography................... | ... | ... | ... |
| Arithmetic.................. | ... | ... | ... |
| Grammar and History......... | ... | ... | ... |
| Writing..................... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. on needle work.......... | ... | ... | ... |
| No. free before the war..... | ... | ... | ... |


[[4 Columned Table]]

|   | BOYS. | GIRLS. | TOTAL. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| No. pupils enr'led last Rep. | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Left........................ | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Admitted.................... | 8 | 17 | 25 |
| Total enrollment............ | 8 | 17 | 25 |
| Average attendance.......... | 8 | 15 | 23 |
| No. who have paid tuition... | ... | ... | 25 |
| No. white pupils............ | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No. always present.......... | ... | ... | 15 |
| No. always punctual when pres. | ... | ... | 25 |
| No. over 16 years of age.... | ... | ... | 8 |
| Alphabet.................... | ... | ... | 13 |
| Primer and First Reader..... | ... | ... | 11 |
| Sec'd and advanced R'ders... | ... | ... | 1 |
| Geography................... | ... | ... | 0 |
| Arithmetic.................. | ... | ... | 0 |
| Grammar and History......... | ... | ... | 0 |
| Writing..................... | ... | ... | 0 |
| No. on needle work.......... | ... | ... | 0 |
| No. free before the war..... | ... | ... | 0 |

Number of Teachers, 3 Total attendance of adults, About 20
Total attendance of children, About 50
We CERTIFY that the above report is correct.

Hannah B. Williams. Teachers
Sallie Williams