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IN Grimes County, Texas,  
FOR [[crossed out]] THE [[/crossed out]] THREE MONTHS ENDING April 1st 1870

[Column 1]
[[crossed out]] Night [[/crossed out]] DAY SCHOOL
|                              | MALES | FEMALES | TOTAL|
| No. pupils enr'led last Rep. |     24|       22|    46|
| Left                         |      3|        2|     5|
| Admitted                     |      3|        3|     6|
| Total enrollment             |     28|       22|    50|
| Average attendance           |     21|       18|    39|
| No. who have paid tuition    |      2|        0|     2|
| No. white pupils             |      0|        1|     1|
| No. always present           |     19|       17|    36|
| No. always punctual          |     15|       13|    28|
| No. over 16 years of age     |      4|        5|     9|
| *Alphabet                    |     11|        9|    20|
| [Scratched out] first reader |      9|        7|    16|
| Sec'd and advanced R'ders    |      9|        5|    14|
| Geography                    |      0|        0|     0|
| Arithmetic                   |      2|        0|     2|
| Grammar and History          |      0|        0|     0|
| Writing                      |      6|        7|    13|
| No. on needlework            |      0|        0|     0|
| No. free before the war      |      0|        0|     0|

[Column 2]
[[crossed out]] Day [[/crossed out]] Night SCHOOL.
|                               | MALES | FEMALES | TOTAL|
| No. pupils enr'led last Rep.  |     21|        4|    25|
| Left                          |      2|        0|     2|
| Admitted                      |      6|        0|     6|
| Total enrollment              |     25|        4|    29|
| Average attendance            |     20|        3|    23|
| No. who have paid tuition     |      0|        0|     0|
| No. white pupils              |      0|        0|     0|
| No. always present            |     12|        2|    14|
| No. always punctual           |     11|        2|    13|
| No. over 16 years of age      |     19|        4|    23|
| Alphabet                      |      4|        1|     5|
| [Scratched out] First reader  |     13|        2|    15|
| Sec'd and advanced R'ders     |      5|        0|     5|
| Geography                     |      0|        0|     0|
| Arithmetic                    |      2|        0|     0|
| Grammar and History           |      0|        0|     0|
| Writing                       |      6|        1|     7|
| No. on needlework             |      0|        0|     0|
| No. free before the war       |      1|        0|     1|

Number of teachers,  
Total attendance of adults,  
Total attendance of children,  
I certify that the above report is correct, and that the regulations have been complied with.   
Thomas A Pope, Teacher.

*Under this -"alphabet" I have included all who have not the first reader 
-all of them exam I can spell in two syllables & subword.