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9 Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Office Asst Sub Asst Commissioner
Lincolnton. N.C. August 26th 1867.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following Reports viz.

Reports of Rations Issued for Tri Month ending Aug 28
Reports of Arrests for Semi-Month ending Aug 28
Reports of Outrages for Semi-Month ending Aug 28
Sanitary Report for Semi-Month ending Aug 28
Report of Operations for Month ending Aug 27

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
T.D. McAlpine
Lieut V.R.C. & Asst Sub
Asst Comsr.

Bt Lt Col A.W. Shaffer
Sub Asst Commsr Sub Dist. N. 9.
Charlotte. N.C.


10 Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Office Asst Sub Asst Commissioner
Lincolnton N.C. September 2nd 1867.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Aug 30th 1867 enclosing for my approval two Bonds of Apprentices of Freed children made by the County Court of Cleveland County at its last session.

I return the bonds referred to , without approving them, for the reason that my instructions are to leave the binding of Colored Children entirely to the Civil Courts, and my signing or approving the Bonds might be construed as interfering with the Courts.

We are [[strikethrough]] O [[/strikethrough]] ordered to see that the law as laid down by the Supreme Court in the Case of Ambrose v.s. Russell is carried out, and I am satisfied that the decision of the Supreme Court in the case referred to has been complied with, in the binding of the two Freed children whose Bonds of Apprenticeship are enclosed. Thanking you for the attention given my request.

I Am
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
T.D. McAlpine
Lieut V.R.C. & Asst Sub
Asst Commissioner

H. Cabiness Esq.
County Atty for Cleveland County
North Carolina