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I respectfully request that you pay Simon Dayman for his and his son's work. (his son being under age) and save further trouble and expense in this case.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R. F & A L.

16 Office Bu. R. F & A Lands
Lincolnton NC March 5 1868
[[left margin]]Chur[[/left margin]] Col Jacob F. A.A.A. Genl
Hd Qrs Asst Comssr. State of NC
Raleigh NC

I have the honor to state in reply to your printed letter of the 27" ultimo in relation to a fund donated to the Citizens of Boston for charitable purposes, that one family of Colored persons has been reported to me as being entirely destitute. The case is that of Ann Fox with three small Colored children aged respectfully two four & six years. I found her on Monday 2d inst, on the edge of this town without home shelter or food for herself or children: sitting in the Sun to keep warm, Ann Fox is sick and almost entirely helpless, a cold having settled in her limbs. I immediately applied to the Wardens of the Poor to take her to the Poor House, or provide for her, and was informed by them that the Poor House was 


full of white paupers, and that the Keeper of the same would leave if any Poor Black were sent there, besides they did not think they were obliged to provide for the Black paupers, believing that the appropriation made by the County Court was interested only for the White paupers. I informed them that she must be taken care of, and that by the Wardens of the Poor of the County. Abner McCoy one of the Wardens finally consented to rent a room for her & provide her & her children with something to eat for one month, until the case, or rather the question should be decided by an order from Major Gen'l Canby as to whether this County must provide for the Colored paupers of the County, and that no more Colored paupers would be taken care of until the question was decided. When the appropriation was made for the paupers of the County by the County Court, nothing was said about Color. I would respectfully suggest that an order be sent to Henry Cansler Esq. Chairman of the County Court of Lincoln Co. or to Wm Tiddy Esq., Chairman of the board of Wardens of the County, stating that no distinction can be made on account of Color in the use of the funds appropriated by the County for the Poor, this is what I told the Chairman Wm Tiddy Esq., but he prefers to have an order from proper authority to that effect.
I am Col. Very Respectfully Yr. Obt Servt
Wm Birnie Agent

Transcription Notes:
reopened so someone else can try to decipher [[?]] words