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17 Office Bu Ref F & A Lands
Lincolnton NC Mch 7” 1868

Peeler Peter I.P.
 Near Shelly Cleaveland Co NC


  Andrew Eaves of Cleaveland County states that he was ordered to leave a piece of land, which belonged to William Parker of Cleaveland, this after the said Parker had given him permission to build on the said land, and have all he could make for two years. and that his fodder and shucks were to be sold to pay the costs of Suit, As you acted in your Official Capacity in this Case. I respectfully request that you give me the facts in the case relation to the same, stating whether the fodder & shucks were sold. and if so by whose order, or by what authority. and for what purpose 

               Very Respectfully 
               Your Obd’t Servt
               Wm Benne
               Agt Bu R.F.& A.L.
18 Office Bu. R.F.& A.Lands   
Lincolnton NC Mch 11” 1868
Brevard Robert  (Lincoln Co)
Beck Moore and Nancy Hereston (freedwoman)complain at this Office that you have ordered them to leave your place, after having employed them for the year.  I have informed these women to keep their agreement with you, and you will be expected to keep yours with them.  They do not appear to have done anything to be turned out of house and home, but state they were ordered to leave your place on the report of a Colored man, in regard to the condition of one of the women, which they both say is false. I have directed the women to return and to keep their contract. and. hope that you and they will got on together with any difficulty.

Very Respectfully 
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R F & A. L.