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19 Office Bu R F & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC Mch 14th 1868
Rinshaw C.C
I respectfully request that you call at this Office some time during today. I wish to see you in regard to Sally Curshaw (freedwoman) who has been employed by you,
Very Respectfully
Yr. Obdt. Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agt. Bu. R. F. & A L.

Office Bu Ref. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC Mch 17th 1868.
Clerk County Court Rutherford Co. N.C
Rutherfordton N.C
I respectfully request that you fill up the inclosed Blank of Report of Courts in Rutherford Co. for the month of March 1868, and return to me at your earliest convenience
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Serv't
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R. F. & A. L

A similar letter also sent to the Clerk of the County courts of Cleveland & Polk Counties. 

21 Office Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C March 19" 1868,
Chur Bv't Lt. Col Jacob F. A.A.A. Genl
Hd Qrs Asst Comssr. State of North Carolina
Raleigh N.C.
Shortly before the close of the War a Trader came to this place from Georgia with a number of Colored persons to sell, and among the number, there was a Colored girl named Harriet, now apparently about Seventeen years of age.  Harriet was left in this place, and has been living with several persons since that time, and is now with a Colored man named B. Black about four miles from here.  Black applies at this Office to Know what he shall do with Harriet, as she is not of sound mind.  Can not teach her to do any kind of work, and he cannot afford to take care of her any longer.  I have seen this girl Harriet. she is not of Sound mind & all the information I could get from her, was that she came from Augusta Georgia, and that her Masters name is Reno. Harriet says that she wants to return to Augusta G. but before sending her to her Master Reno, I would respectfully suggest that inquiry be made through the Bureau if there is such a person in Augusta, as no dependence can be placed in what Harriet says. she answers 'yes' to every question asked her.

I cannot find any one here, who will clothe and take proper care of Harriet for her services and Black the freedman, who is now taking charge of her, states that he can not afford to do so any longer.