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Wm Birnie Agent & c    Salary 
Wm Birnie Agent & c    Postage             
Report of Persons & Articles Hired
With requisition for Stationery for the Second Quarter of 1868.

            I am Colonel.
            Very Respectfully
            Your Obdt Sevt.
            Wm Birnie
            Agent Bu. Ref. F & A Lands


      Office Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands
      Lincolnton N C March 31st 1868

[[left margin]] Chur [[/left margin]]
Bt. Let. Col. Jacob F. A.A.A.G
Hd Qrt Asst Comss. State of N.C
Raleigh N.C


I have the honor to inclose herewith Return in duplicate with vouchers of Stores pertaining to the Bureau Ref. F & A. Lands for the month ending on the 31st of March 1868.

                I am Colonel.
                Very Respectfully
                Your Obdt Servt,
                Wm Binnie
                Agt. Bu. R.F. & A. Lands

28. Office Bu. Ref. F & A Lands
Lincolnton NC March 31st 1868

[[left margin]] Chur [[/left margin]]

Bt. Let Col. Jacob F. A.A.A Genl.
Hd Qrs. Asst. Comsr State of N.C
Raleigh N.C


    I have the honor to inclose herewith the following Quarterly Statements for the Quarter ending on the 31st of March 1868. Viz.

Qr. Statement. Property Quartermasters  Department
Qr. Statement. Clo. Camp & G. Equipage
Qr. Statement. Stores pertaining to the Bu. R. F. & A. Lands

              I am Colonel. 
              Very Respectfully
              Your Obt. Servt. 
              Wm. Birnie
              Agent Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands

29  Office Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N C April 3rd 1868, 

Hoves Henry (Lincoln Co NC)
Jim Ramsour,freedman,complains at this Office, that you owe him two dollars & fifty cents for labor of his son Charley, and that you have not paid for the same, If this is so, I respectfully request that you settle with this man, and save further trouble in the case, If you can not settle with Jim Ramsour satisfactorily, both of you appear at this office tomorrow Saturday at 10 o'clock A,M and the case will be settled. 
