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Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Serv't
Wm Birnie
Agt Bu R. F. & A. Lands

30. Office Bu Ref. F&A Lands
Lincolnton NC April 3rd 1868, 
Brown Joseph
Near Dallas Gaston Co, NC
Dr Sir

I inclose herewith a Blank Report of the Schools for Freedmen in your county, if you can give me the information called for I will be greatly obliged, The Bureau is enabled to expend money in the erection, repairs & rental of suitable buildings for School purposes, if the Community will provide for the maintainence of teachers, a small monthly contribution will accomplish this, and could a moderate support be guaranteed, there will be no lack of Instructors. Please return the Report so as to reach this office before the end of the month with such remarks as you see proper to make, whether the report is complete in every particular or not,
Very Respectfully
Your Ovd't Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F & A.L. 


31 Office Br. Ref. F&A Lands
Lincolnton NC April 3rd 1868,
Wellmen John
Gardney Ford Cleveland Co. N.C
Dr Sir
I inclose here a Blank Report of the Schools for Freedman in your County, if you can give me the information called for. I will be greatly obliged. If you cannot answer all the questions on the Blank, answer all you can, and return to me at your earliest convenience, with any suggestions you may see proper to make, whereby the Schools can be increased. This report will only refer to the Schools now going on in your County, and not to those which have stopped. The Bureau is enabled to expend money in the erection repair & rental of suitable buildings for School purposes if the community will provide for the maintainence of Teachers. If a moderate support is guaranteed there will be no lack of Teachers,
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Serv't
Wm Birnie
Agent Bureau.R.F&A. Lands.