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34 Office Bu. Ref. H&A. Lands 
Lincolnton NC April 4th 1868,
Chambers Alex 
Cleveland County N.C
John Bell, freedman, complains at this office that he worked for you, tending and running your Saw Mill from the 1st January 1868 to the 27th of March 1868, being 3 months lacking 4 days at $15.00 per month, the amount you agreed to pay him, but which he states you have not done and refuse to do, If this is a true Statement of the case, I respectfully request that you pay Bell for his labor, and save further trouble or expense in the case.  Otherwise it will be my duty to refer the case to Head quarters for settlement by a Provost Court, I have directed John Bell (freedman) to hand you this letter, and if you cannot settle amicably and satisfactorily, I will hear any evidence you may wish to offer in the case on Saturday the 11th inst., at this office, before referring the Case to Head Quarters of the Commanding officer of the Post for trial before a Provost Court,  

Very Respectfully
Wm Birnie
Agent Bureau R. F&A.L

Office Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands 
Lincolnton NC April 6th 1868

Clerk County Court, Rutherfordton NC   
On the 14th March 1868, I wrote you a letter inclosing a Blank Report of Courts. requesting you to fill up the same for your County for the month of March 1868, and return to this office at your earliest convenience, as the report has never reached this office. Will you please inform the Office whether you received the letter referred to and whether you sent the report or not, 
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obd't Serv't 
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu, Ref. H&A. Lands 

36 Office Bu. Ref, F&A Lands 
Lincolnton NC April 6th 1868, 
Cleaveland County Court 

Cleveland County N.6
On the 14th March 1868, I wrote you a letter inclosing a Blank report of Counties requesting that you fill up the same for your County for the month of March 1868, and return to this Office at your earliest convenience. As the report has never reached this office, will you please inform this office whether you received the letter referred to and whether you sent the report or not, 
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obdt Serv't
Wm Birnie 
Agent Bu. Ref, F&A Lands