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37 Office Bu. Ref. F+A. Lands
[[Lincolnten?]] N.C April 8 1868
Johnston [[Thl.P.]] Bt. Let. Col. & C2[[No?]]
Raleigh N,C
I have the [[honor?]] to acknowledge the receipt
of you letter of the 3rd [[inst?]], [[unclosing?]] [[I service?]] of
[[stationery?]] for the 2nd [[gr?]] of 1868. upon comparing
the [[lurrvice?]] with the Stationery received. I [[found?]]
that One Eraser Invoiced @ [[33 1/3rd?]]was not received
but in its place, an Extra piece of rubber marked
"Ink eraser and Paper Cleaner" [[was]] received,
which is not the article I required, and I [[?]]
is not the article that was Invoiced to me.
I will [[?]] take the Eraser upon [[?]] [[?]]
as received and it can be [[?]] to [[?]] at another
Very Respectfully 
Your [[?]] [[?]]
Wm [[?]]
Agent Bu. R. F&A. Lands

38 Office Bu. Ref. F&A Lands
[[Lincolnton?]] N.C April 11th 1868
Chambers E.[[S?]].E
[[Stices?]] [[?]] Cleaveland Co. N.C
Your letter of the 8th [[inst?]] with enclosed certificates
received, You omitted to send me [[John?]] Bell account
of time worked, and the articles and prices of 
each that he got [[?]] you. I therefore request that
you make [[out?]] paid account stating the price of
each article Bell bought from you, deducting the
days lost by Bell, and giving him credit for the
time he was at work for you, and have the same
[[?]] to before an Acting Justice of the Peace. 
I will forward the account with your certificate &
letter to Head Quarters with John Bell's [[sum?]]
Statements, with a request that the case be tried
before a [[Parrish Court?]], if you and Bell cannot 
settle between you. If Bell did not work to your
satisfaction, it [[would?]] have been a very easy
matter, to have settled with him for the time he 
worked and then to have discharged him. 
Bell states [[?]] that he hired himself to you
at [[?]]15.00 [[pr?]] month, and you state in your
letter that you agreed to pay him [[?]] 15.00 a
month for his labor, and he [[partly?]] claims
pay for the time he was in your employ.
Very Respectfully
Your [[?]] [[?]]
Wm [[?]]
Agent Bureau [[?]]

39  Office Bu. R. F&A Lands
Linconton NC April 11th 1868 
Michael Vincent
[[Rusherfordten?]]. [[Rusherford?]] Co. N.C
Dr. Sir
Your name has been given me by [[Mrs.?]] I.C.D. Harris
to correspond with in regard to Schools for the Colored
people of your County. he states that there are no schools
in your County for the colored people, it is desired to
establish one or more Schools in your county. and the 
Bureau is enabled to expend money in the erection