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repair & recital of suitable buildings for School purposes if the community will provide for the maintainence of Teachers, I would like to know the number & names of places now destitute in which day schools could be established, the estimated number of pupils who would attend such schools, and about the amount which the Freedmen could raise for school purposes in each destitute neighborhood, What assistance the freedmen require to establish one or more day schools, What is the public sentiment as to the education of the freemen & poor whites, Whether night schools for adults are needed & in what way they could be carried on, is there any school house the freedmen could use if the rent was paid, or will it be necessary to build one, and if built how many pupils would attend the school, and could the freedmen pay a teacher & get a Teacher in your County. Any information you can give me, I will be greatly obliged and I will thank you to answer the questions in this letter as far as you can,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent, Bu. R. F & A. L.

Office Bu. R. F&A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C April 25th 1868

Johnston Bvt. Lt. Col. Thos P
CQM  & D.O. State N.C
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd inst, marked L.B. Page of 64, and inclose herewith the voucher for feed omitted in Returns for March 1868. Will you please send me half a dozen each of Abstract F. with the printed Voucher to same,
I am Colonel,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obd't Servt
William Birnie Agt. Bu. R. F A. L.

Office Bu. Ref. F&A. Lands
Lincolnton NC April 25th 1868,

Brown Mr. Joseph
Dallas Gaston Co, N,C

Your letter of the 24th inst in reference to Fanny Love, Colored, is received. In reply I would state that it is ordered in General Orders No. 53 of March 30 1868, by Major General E.R.S. Canby "That all District County or other municipal officers, having the care of the poor or the disbursement of public money appropriated to the benefit of the poor, shall provide for all proper objects of public charity, without regard to color or race, to the extent of the means under their control or of the authority with which they are invested."
From the above you will see that it is the duty of your County officers to provide for all purpose