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objects of public charity without regard to Color, and should they fail to do so in the case of Fanny Love (Colored) or any other case. I will thank you to let me Know of it, I have written to the chairman of the Wardens of the Poor at Dallas in regard to this case,
Very Respectfully
Your obed't Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agt. Bu. Ref. F. & A. Lands

42 Office Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C April 25'' 1868, 
Chairman Boards of Wardens Poor
Dallas Gaston co N.C
This Office has been informed that a Crazy woman named Fanny Love (Colored) is confined in the Jail at Dallas; having been refused admission to the Poor House, I respectfully request that you inform this office why she is confined in Jail and why the Wardens of the Poor have not sent her to the asylum or the Poor House, 
General Order No 53 of March 30" 1868 from Major General Canly's Head Quarters, orders, "That all District County or other municipal officers having the care of the poor. or disbursement of public moneys appropriated to the benefit of the poor shall provide for all proper objects of public charity, without regard to Color or race, to the extent of the means under their Control, or of the authority with which they are invested," 
Very Respectfully Yr. Obdt Serv't
Wm Birnie Agt. Bu. Ref. F.A.L.   


43. Office Bu. Ref. F & A Lands
Lincolnton Lincoln Co. N.C
April 28" 1868,
Chur Jacob F. A.A.A. Genl
- Hd Qrs Asst Comssr State of N.C
I have the honor to inclose herewith the following reports for the month ending April 28" 1868. Viz.
Report of Operations
Report of Outrages by Whites Against Blacks
Report of Outrages by Blacks Against Whites
Report of Arrests
Report of Rations Issued
Report of Sanitary Conditions of this Sub Division
Report of Schools
I am Colonel.
Very Respectful
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie Agent Bu F. H. A. L.

44 Office Bu. R. F. & A Lands
Lincolnton Lincoln Co. N.C.
April 28th 1868,
Chur Bvt. Lt. Col. Jacob F. A.A.A. Genl
Hd Qrs Asst Comssr. State of N.C
Raleigh N.C
I have the honor to inclose herewith the following Vouchers for the month of April 1868
Viz, P.A. Summary Rent Of Office
B.S. Johnson Ward for Office
Wm Birnie Agent &c Salary.
Wm Birnie Agent &c Postage