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53  Bu. R. F.&A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C May 14th 1868

Rayfield Tresvan
Lincoln Co N.C

It has been reported at this office that you are going about this County, taking away from the Freedmen all Government Muskets you find in their possession I therefore respectfully request that you inform this Office not later than Saturday the 14th inst, under what authority you are acting, or it will be necessary to take further action in the Case,
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servt
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F.&A.L. 

54 Office Bu. R.F&A. Lands
Lincolnton NC May 16th 1868

Rhyne James 
Dallas Gaston Co N.C

I have received a letter you wrote to Bt Maj Genl Canby dated May 4th 1868 in reference to the filling of a barrel of whiskey to a man who refuses to pay you for the same. I am directed to attend to this case and would like to Know all of the facts in the case, the mans name who bought the whiskey &c and request that you come to this office and give me this information. As soon 

as you receive this letter. 
Respectfully &c
Wm Birnie
Agent, Bu. R. F & A. L. 
sup 46&52 & E.M p9  

55 Office Bu. R. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC May 16th 1868

Cannon Jas
Dallas Gaston Co NC
Maria Hoffman, colored, states that she hired her boy Birt to you for the year 1867, and you promised to give her for his services, a cow & ten bushels of corn, but that you had only given her the cow & two bushels of corn, leaving a balance of 8 bushels of corn still due her. I respectfully request that you  write me a statement of the agreement, and  understanding you had in regard to this case.  And if possible settle with her satisfactorily. Otherwise I will be compelled to further investigate the case at this office in order to get at the facts in the same.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. Ref. F & A. Lands

Transcription Notes:
Things to fix. I reopened. Tresvan Rayfield is the correct spelling of this man's name, found on will, and other documents. Maj. Gen. Canby This letter is from 1867, so the boy was hired in 1867, not 1864.