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56 Office Bu R. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC May 19 1868

To any Acting Justice of the Peace
Of Gaston Co N.C

The bearer Wilson Thomas (Colored) of Gaston Co N.C. has been threatened by Cay Little Colored of Gaston Co NC, and he is afraid he will do him some bodily injury, this is therefore to request that you hiar Wilson Thomas (Colored) statement, and if sustained by other evidence to bind Cay Little (Colored) over to the next term of the County Court for Gaston Co N,C to keep the peace, and especially with Wilson Thomas (Colored)
Respectfully &c
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu R. F & A. L.
To Squire Idlett
Gaston Co N,C 

57. Office Bu. R. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton, N.C May 25th 1868
Locket Wm Gaston Co N.C
[[left margin]]See EM p9 [[/left margin]] 
By order of Bt. Col WB Royall Commanding Mil. Post of Morganton N.C. I am directed to attend to a case referred to Bt Major Genl Canby, by James Rhyne (Colored) of Gaston Co N.C. to which you are a party, Upon an examination of James Rhyne (Colored) he states that he sold you a Barrel of Whiskey @ $2.20 pr gallon. Said barrel containing 44 gallons, which amounts to $96.80~ Upon which you have paid $18~ leaving a balance of $78.80 remaining due and that you have not paid this balance, I do therefore 


request that you pay Rhyne the amount due him, or appear at this Office within five days after you receive this letter, and show cause for not doing so. The Whiskey referred to herein was sold you about twelve months ago. James Rhyne states upon a credit of eight or nine days.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R. F & A. L.

Forwarded to James White Sheriff of Gaston Co NC (by James Rhyne Cold) with the request that the Sheriff cause this letter to be delivered to Wm Lockett by himself or one of his deputies forthwith, Wm Birnie Agent Bu. R.F & A.L. 
See p 45 & 52

58 Office Bu. R. F. & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC May 25th 1868
The Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau Ref. F & A. Lands for this State is desirous of obtaining facts as to the amount of destitution in the State and its causes to enable him to present in a complete and reliable form information for the Government with a view to speedy relief - provided the means are placed at his disposal. To this end, I respectfully request you at your earliest convenience to make a full and explicit report to this Office of the amount of destitution in your County - the probable Amount of relief required, your opinion as to the best mode of meeting the same, what provision is made by the County for its Poor - with such other matters of information as may be useful in making a complete report.
Very Respectfully