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Very Respectfully
Yr obdt Servt 
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R. F&A.L. 

61 Office Bu. R. F&A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C May 27th 1868

Eaves Andrew
Cleaveland Co N.C 

I in close here with a copy of a notice which I have been sent to the Sheriff of Cleaveland Co N.C to deliver to the following persons Viz
DH Peeler Peter Peeler, Benjamine Newton
Joel Hoyle, WA Warlick and Willaim Parker
and Andrew Eaves,
I request that you be present at this office on Friday June 5th 1868 at 11 oclock am, with any witnesses you may wish to be examined to sustain the charges you have made against the above parties, I am directed as you will see by the in closed notice, by Bt Col. WB Royall Comdg Post at Morganton N.C to investigate this case and make a report to him. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F&A.L.

Sent in care of PD Grigg
Gardners Ford P.O.
Cleaveland Co N.C

62 Office Bu. R. F&A. Lands
Lincolnton NC May 27th 1868 

Brown Joseph A 
Dallas Gaston Co NC 

Will you please inform this office what
action you have taken - if any upon receiving a letter from this Office dated May 13th 1868 in answer to your letter of the 12th inst. If you have not taken any action, I respectfully request that you will furnish this office with
any proofs or affidavits that can be furnished to sustain the charges contained in your letter of the 12th inst. In this case you can have the affidavits made at this office, before a Chairman of one of the Boards of Registration or before any Acting Justice of the Peace, which 
ever will be most convenient for you in your crippled condition. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F&A.L 

See page 43