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Office Bu. R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C June 20" 1868

Wilkes E. Esqr
Iron Station Lincoln Co. N.C

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 16" inst recd with inclosures. I do not know as yet what the Bureau can do in the way of procureing you the the laborers you desire. I have written to the Assistant Commissioner of the State in regard to the matter - but as yet have not had any reply.

I saw a Colored man named Richard Wells a day or two ago, he told me that if you wanted a Blacksmith he would be glad to work for you, he said that you knew him, and if you wanted him to drop him a line at Shelby Cleveland County.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F & A.L.

Office Bu R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C June 23d 1868

Rhyne James
Dallas Gaston Co N.C

I have this day sent Sheriff I.F. White an order from Bt. Col. W B Royall Comdg Post at Morganton to Collect the balance of money due you by W R Lockart, and if Lockart 


refuses to pay the amount, the Sheriff has authority to sell a sufficient amount of his property not exempt from execution by Mil. orders - to satisfy the claim & his fees. If Lockart has no property not exempt by Genl Orders No 164 Dated Head Quarters 2d Mil. Dist. 1867 - and you can make oath and have the same supported by other affidavits that "the demand is past due and the defendant has been guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt sued for, or has removed or disposed of his property or is about to do so, with intent to defraud his Creditors, or is about to leave the State with such intent," Do so, and send the affidavits to me, and I will see whether he can claim the exemption authorized by 
Mil- orders - under these circumstances

Very Respectfully
You Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agt Bu R.F & A.L

Office Bu R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton NC June 23d 1868

Brown Joseph A
Near Dallas Gaston Co. N.C

A letter has been referred to this Office by Thos D. McAlpine Agent Bu R.F & A.L written by you Dated Dallas June 16" 1868. - in which you  [[strikethrough]] State [[/strikethrough]] apply for relief from the Bureau for an old man named Isaac [[Murrell?]]. In answer to your letter, I will repeat here what I wrote to you under