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date of April 25" 1868, viz. General Orders No 53 Dated HD Qrs 2d Mil. Dist. Charleston S.C. March 30" 1868 Bt Major General Canby States "That all District County or other Municipal Officers having the care of the Poor or the disbursement of public moneys appropriated to the benefit of the Poor shall provide for all proper objects of public charity, without regard to Color or race, to the extent of the means under their control, or of the Authority with which they are invested," I will thank you to inform Isaac Murrill of the existence of the above order. And tell him that it is in full force, in order that he may apply to the Wardens of the Poor of Gaston County for that relief he is so much in need of. The Bureau is not issuing any rations in this part of the State at present, and I can not see the necessity of doing so, so long as each County makes proper provision for the Poor, as is directed by Military Orders. If Isaac Murrill is refused relief by the Wardens of the Poor of Gaston County after making proper application, I will thank you to inform this office of the fact and their reasons for doing so. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu. RF & A. Lands


81  Office Bu. R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C June 23d 1868
Chur Bt. Let. Col Jacob F
Hd Qrs Asst Comssr State of N.C
Raleigh N.C
I have the honor to state, that in order to comply fully with Circular No 5 Dated Hd Qrs Asst Comssr Raleigh N.C May 19 1868, and to gain all the information upon the subject of the Circular that would be of interest to the Assistant Commissioner I addressed on the 25th ultimo, a letter to the Chairman of the Wardens of the Poor also to the Sheriff of each of the Counties composing the Sub District stating as follows vz.
"The Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau Ref. F & A Lands for this State is desirous of obtaining facts as to the amount of destitution in the State, and its causes, to enable him to present in a complete and reliable form information for the Government with a view to speedy relief, provided the means are placed at his disposal. To this end, I respectfully request you, at your earliest convenience to make a full and explicit report to this office of the amount of destitution in your County, the probable amount of relief required, your opinion as to the best mode of meeting the same, what provision is made by the County for its Poor, with such other matters of information as may be useful in making a complete report."
To which the Sheriff of Polk County replied with