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date June 4" 1867 "That there is at least 10 or 15 widows and other females in that County, who are in actual need of help" and if not helped will actually suffer, and the sum of $200- would give great relief." The Wardens of the Poor took no notice of the letter addressed to them. 
The Sheriff of Lincolnton Co. under date of June 8 1868 gives me the names of Seven persons White & Black, and states that they are in suffering circumstances for provisions to sustain life, and if aid could be procured for them it would be thankfully received." The Wardens of the Poor with whom I have consulted state that they do not believe it will be necessary to issue Rations in Lincoln County. 
Neither the Chairman of the Wardens of the Poor or the Sheriff of either Gaston or Rutherford County have noticed the letter forwarded them from this office, from which I infer that there is no demand for relief, more than the County can meet. I have also travelled through those Counties and talked with the people about this matter, and am of the opinion that there is no destitution or suffering at present which can not be relieved by the County Officers with money appropriated for that object. 
All application made at this office for Relief are referred to the Wardens of the Poor and always acted upon favorably by them. 
I have always advised those applying for Relief, which have been few in number, not to depend upon the Bureau or Wardens of the Poor to support them, with a view of making them


more provident, and dependent upon themselves & at the same time using a proper discrimination in recommending worthy cases which came to my notice, to the Wardens of the Poor. There is no doubt there are a few persons & families in each of the counties in this Sub District who are desiring & worthy objects of Charity, but as to actual suffering for the want of food, I have not heard of a single case that was not relieved as soon as application was made to the Wardens of the Poor. 
The Wheat Crop has been injured by the Rush to some extent, so that little over a half crop has been made, there is however considerable Old wheat & Corn in the County, the Potatoe & Corn Crop provisions will, although the latter was planted late in consequence of the backward season [[?]] &c, but should it fail the suffering would be great.
I inclose herewith the replies to the letters to the Sheriff and Chairman of the Wardens of the Poor of Cleveland County, for the information of the Assistant Commissioner, they are so insulting and disrespectful in tone, that I have no taken any notice of them, other than write to the County Clerk asking him if Thos Williams. Thos Williams M.D & Jas M Ware had any County or State Office, with a view of having them relieved of the same if they did, but as year received no reply. It will be seen that Thos Williams signs his name as an M.D. in one place, and in an entirely different hand writing in the other as "Clerk to the