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away from you.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt.
William Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L.

Office Bu. R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C June 25th, 1868

Wilson Mr. Osborn
Near Shelby Cleveland Co N.C

A letter has been referred to this office by Colonel W.B. Royall Commanding Military Post of Morganton N.C from York Martin (freedman) in which he states that you owe him three (3) bushels of Corn for the time of one of his boys, and that you refuse to pay him, if this is true I respectfully request that you pay Martin for the time of his boy - I am ordered to settle Cases like the above if possible, and if I cannot do so, to refer them with the evidence to Head Quarters for settlement, which I trust will not be necessary in this Case, I have written to Mr. Martin to go and see you, and if you cannot settle this case between you, I shall refer it to the Head Quarters Mil. Post of Morganton as stated above.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
William Birnie
Agent Bu. R.F & A.L.


Office Bu. R.F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C June 25th 1868

Martin Mr. York
Shelby Cleveland Co. N,C

Your letter of the 16 inst has been referred by Col. W.B. Royall to this Office, I have written to Mr Daniel Poston and requested him to send to this Office a Copy of the Indenture of Apprenticeship, if your boy has been bound by him, and if he had not been bound to him, that he would be held responsible for payment of the boys labor for every day he kept the boy after you forbid him from doing so, as he was underage, and no legal right to create a contract without your consent, I do not think your boy is bound to Poston, and if he was bound without your consent the bond could be cancelled, as as your boy seems to like to live with Poston better than with you. I would hire him to Poston if he will pay you, your boy I think would be better satisfied if you were to do so, I have also written to Mr. Osborn Nelson in regard to the bushels of Corn he owes you, for the time of me of one of your boys, which he refuses to pay you, if you cannot settle with him after you go to see him you and the boy come over to this Office, so that I can take your evidence in regard to the case in writing, and I will refer it to the Military Head Quarters for settlement. Always try and hire your boys to men who own property, so that