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me to inform the Trustees of the fact, and notify what he cannot pay rent for the above mentioned building for any month during which the School is not in actual operation, nor for any month for which it is not duly reported to his office. He will furnish blanks for reports which should be filled out and forwarded to him on the 20th of each month.
Respectfully &c
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu R. F & A. L.

Office Bu. R. F & A. Lands
Lincolnton N.C July 23rd 1868

Fiske Rev F.A
Supt. of Education Bu R. F & A. L.
Raleigh N.C

Dear Sir
I have been applied to by the Teachers of the Freedman Schools for this Sub District for Primary Charts to hang up in the School Room, such as is required for Children with the letters in two characters, Ab, abs Multiplication tables &c. If you can furnish the above with Primary Readers Spellers and Arithmatics. I could distribute them among the Schools to very great benefit, I will thank you for an early reply to this letter - as the Teachers will be at this Office with a week, to know if they can receive the above from the Bureau free of charge-

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agt. Bu R. F & A. L.


Office Bu. R. F & A. L
Lincolnton N.C July 29th 1868

Martin York
Shelby Cleveland Co N.C

Your letter of the 27th isn't received. In reply I must state that I was under the impression when I wrote you in the 25th June, that you were lawfully married to the boy Horace's Mother I have no evidence that you were married to her, or that you are the Father of Horace. I therefore request that you furnish this Office with the evidence of your Marriage to Horace's Mother, as this is necessary before and further action can be taken in the case.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt,
Wm Birnie
Agt. Bu. R. F. & A. L.