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Freedmen, When I was there I informed the Freedmen the Bureau would assist them in establishing a school and they raised by subscription $50- to build a school house at Rutherfordton. I forwarded their application on June to Mr. Fiske but never heard from it. I presume you will find the application on file in your office, and I trust that you will look it up and do something for a school at Rutherfordton, either allow them rent of $8- pr mo, or assist in building a school house, they can organize a school there of at least fifty or sixty scholars. I trust that at least one school can be organized there [[crossed out]] if they [[/crossed out]] + will be aided by the Bureau. In Polk Co. there is no school for the Freedmen, two schools could be organized there if they could be aided by the Bureau to the amount of $8 or $10- per mo, with from forty to fifty scholars each.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant,
Wm Birnie
Agent &c,


Office Bu. R. R. & A.L.
Lincolnton N.C Septem 23d 1868.

Chur [[?]] Jacob F. A.A.A.G
Hd 2A Bu R.F & A.L. Raleigh N.C

I have the honor to state that [[Messrs?]] Wilkes Luce + Co of Lincolnton Co. N.C who have extensive Iron Works in operation in this County have made application to this County office for seventy five (75) able bodied (single) men to cut wood upon the following terms.
They will pay thirty five (35) cents for cord for cutting the wood. Payment to be made at the end of each month, when twenty five (25) per cent of the amount due will be retained until the expiration of the contract or agreement, for security to them for a faithful performance of the contract. If a man loses two days in a working month unless sick he will be charged twenty five (25) per sent of his months wages for the first offence, and discharged for the second. They will furnish Bacon to the men at twenty five (25) cents per pound, and corn meal at ten (10) per cent on the market price for corn, the men to furnish themselves with provisions, contracts to be made for not less than four (4) months and not over twelve (12) months. If the Bureau [[furnishes?]] transportation to the men to get to this part of the State, they will charge the same to the men + refund the amount to the