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Office Bu R.F.& A.L.
Lincolnton N.C. Oct 19" 1868

Chur Col Jacob F.
Ast Coms Raleigh N.C.

I have the honor to state that Admiral Charles Wilkes of High Shoals, Gaston Co, N.C. has made application to this office for the following laborers, peferring them if possible from the midland Counties of the State, Viz.
Ten (10) Miners to be paid according to Capacity from $25-@$30-per Month, of 25 days, over time extra.
Twenty (20) laborers $18.00 pr month,
Forty (40) Wood Cutters pay either by the Cord or month, forty cents per cord, or ten cords per week task and $10- per month & Rations.
Length of time of employment, the winter months at least, Miners constant,
Forms of payment, One Half Cash or its equivalent at end of month, or during the month, and balance at end of Contract. If transportation is advanced these men the same to be refunded as you as the men work it out.
I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servnt
Wm Birnie
Agent BuR.F.& A.L.


Office Bu R.F.& A.L.
Lincolnton N.C. Octo 20" 1868

Vogell, Dr. H.C.
Superintendent of Education, Bu R.F. &c
Raleigh N.C.

If you can in any way assist the Freedmens School at this place, I hope the same will be done. It has heretofore been on of the largest & best Schools in this part of the State but the place now adopted of charging 10 cents in advance per week-has decreased the number of Scholars at least three fourths, With incur a percent from the Bureau in the way of pecuniary assistance the School will contrive to do much good, but without it I am afraid it will not. The Freedmen can not afford to pay so much. Especially those with large families, I saw Mr Dixon the Asst. Superintendent of the Schools on the part of the Friends and told him the Bureau would assist this school.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
Wm Birnie
Agent Bu RF&AL