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one seems crazy to come up & if pleasant there may be a crowd. I am dreading the day a little. they may not stay long. Aleta Clark said she wanted to come. Lena sent me a pair of blue knit bed socks but my feet are never cold, so they will never be worn by me. I might give them to someone who needs them.

As I look out my window all I can see is snow over everything. it snowed a little yesterday. our front walk is covered with ashes. we are not able to open our back door yet. will this snow ever go I would like to see the bare ground once more. it gives one a shut in feeling not to be able to step outside for several weeks. trucks get stalled when they try to turn around & they have to be hauled out by someone coming from downtown. we never have had such a time since I can remember.    I think Doris is going ahead very fast at her school, she must be an excellant [[excellent]] schollar [[scholar]]. it was very nice her sending me that box of candy. her dormer flannel for those pajamas came yesterday, also the three apples inside.

I finished that waiste [[waist]] you sent the cloth for my birth day last Friday & may wear it tomorrow. thanks to both of you for the presents. now I will go down stairs & make up the fire in our little stove, its [[it's]] all ready to light  loveMa