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It has just begun to snow again. I was in hopes it would be pleasant. she is going to Chicatawbut today. Mrs Bruce has just been over to pay me her rent, their dog came with her. we always save our meat bones for him this time we had a bag full it had been such slippery going we had not carried them down there for days.

Our backdoor we havent [[haven't]] been able to open since last Thursday, a week ago when we had that driving snow storm.

Erma Wayland cannot get a girl to do her house work. the one she had (Maggie Powers) has gone all to pieces. so now she is hard put for some one to do her work. they are very hard to get. Joe Capen is in the same box, his wife is sick, I think had a shock & he has tried to get a housekeeper but has been unable to do so.  I hope Doris will be able to learn to dance even if the boy is so short. they may learn just the same. you remember how her father went with the rest of his school to learn & how he hated to ask them to dance?

I always was fond of dancing but never cared about singing, we are trying to get our front path clear Mrs Barry is out sweeping it so she can go this afternoon. we had it shoveled the first of the week but recent storms have come since to make it hard to walk in, so she is sweeping it a bit. well this is all  Ma