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Ruby Copen married Walter Brans & his uncle left a lot of money to his two nephews: Walter & his brother. I am glad Ruby is a very nice person & has made him a nice wife & brought up his daughter by the first wife. you know her name Helen Belcher & wanted Walter to marry Ruby after she died. Ma 

Stoughton February 12th 1945

Dear Doris,

We are having nice sunny & warm days ever since this last snow storm came to us. My! wasn't it a singer 14 inches of snow on top of what was on the ground. it began last Thursday early in the morning with a slety [[sleety]] storm. Mrs Barry was invited to a card party. early in the afternoon to Mrs Alice Williams she told her they would come after her & bring her home so she went & the storm was then going strong but the wind & hurrycane [[hurricane]] didn't begin 'till later then when it did, it was terrific & then didn't the snow come down in torrents  'till late in the morning of the next day it was a pretty sight to see the trees covered with an inch of snow & ice & all the bushes bent clear to the ground & snow all over the roofs of houses. All electricity was cut off no lights, no heat, no radios & wasn't it cold that night & the next morning we were shivering in bed. She tended to the fires until after midnight but the gale was such they were burned out long before it was light. So the best thing to do was get up early to get our house warm to keep the pipes from freezing. My didn't the fires feel good in our stoves. We have not been able to open our back door yet there