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is so much snow on our steps. The Silver boy accross the way come over to shovel a path to our front door & we told him to bring over a dozen of eggs. We are lucky to get them, for our grocery man's store was closed up as there is no way of getting things out of Boston as traffick [[traffic]]] has been suspended as well as everything else. I have never seen such a time & hope to never again.

Mrs Barry has not been to church today. She staid at home to make a squash pie & some muffins. & the minister was a colored man, Mitchell a Bishop & he gave Communion. She is a Sotherner, [[Southerner]] I suppose its in the blood, they feel the colored people are beneath them. we Northerners are not that way. & I am glad we are not.

My fou finge [[forefinger]] on my right hand where I cut it with a razor blade, is much better, its healing up. I never knew we were so dependent on one finger on the right hand as since its been disabled, those past days. but little sewing have I done this last week.

The little boys & girls out front are having a nice time snowballing each other. snow is too deep for coasting. the radio says a light snow today & will be much colder tomorrow. I hope that its [[it's]] mistaken. This seems an old fashioned winter with snowbanks  even with the stone wall. Every snowstorm our roads were broken out by man power, no snowplows in those days. hope you are warm. Ma