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This is our worst snowstorm. the thermometer is 25 degrees. the car couldn't run on account of the snow. hope you get this letter early

Stoughton January 7th 1945 
Dear Doris
It is a dark and snowy day & I have done my washing & hung it out on the porch & the clothes are frozen stiff. she is just home from church & its time for our Sunday dinner.

She says that Laura was hurrying home from church & was going to take Norma down to the train, as Jimmie her husband, has sent for her to meet him. they are going to live in South Carolina & before she lived in Texas & Florida he is a soldier was drafted soon after they were married in the fall.

Our dinner of meatballs, baked potatoes winter squash, chilly sauce & grape nut pudding tasted good. we got 1/2 a lb of meat & it was quite enough for our Sunday dinner. 
I have made Doris night pajamas& they are all done but the button holes & sewing on the buttons. I have only got two pieces of cloth about two yards each for her shifts. that may be enough, it depends on the pattern. a bundle came with Sids [[Sid's]] two old pajamas one for patches that I will sew on next. thanks for the wintergreen lozenges inside of the bundle & the other candy & figs. I like best of them all also the gum which is good for my

Transcription Notes:
not sure if it says hatches or patches