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George Lynch gave him to her. 

I am still at work on those under clothes. I had cloth enough left to make you another slip. the second one was not long enough for Doris pattern. but your slip is shorter so I made you two, and two for her, so that ought to last a long time for you both. & if you can get the dormer flannel then I can make her more pants to go with her jackets that were made before. as you spoke to me before in your other letter. I dont think there is any need of more undies that I need, as my supply you got when you were here driving vacation. This war wont end 'till the Japs are licked. they are savages & the Germans are mostly conquared [[conquered]]. last nights paper said that Hitler ought to be shut up he was crazy. to kill would make him a martyr to the Germans. they should confine him instead. he is afraid a regular coward. 

I enjoyed Madelines [[Madeline's]] letter very much, the poor girl has had a hard lot all these years. I was thinking of her for many days past, she brought up Ned & took care of both parents, what will become of her later on after her mother goes. She will be like Beatrice Monk. did Helen Leonards [[Leonard's]] husband buy that house in Washington or only hire it? a very nice house it seems if they owned it, we thought. well I will now draw this to a close. love Ma

glad you got the money for the grape sauce. you should have got more too honest