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Stoughton January 23rd - 1948 - 

Dear Doris

I am sitting up in my room to write the letter its the warmest place, we have had a very cold night. the wind blew up cold yesterday & brought us this terrible cold snap, 5 degrees below this morning on the porch at 9 O'clock. 

We had no light here after 9 O'clock last nigh. I went off to bed at 8 so didn't need any but she had to light her candle & with the flash light managed to get up stairs to bed couldnt [[couldn't]] even read her papers. no one had any light in the neighborhood every one was in darkness. our heat was on early but she was cold in her room & came down stairs at 4 O clock this morning she was too cold to sleep afterwards. is going out to a party today but dont feel like it would rather stay here at home. 

Addie took her down to the movies yesterday as she wanted to see a picture so she happened out just as Addie was backing out of her garage & took her home at night when she went down after Gertrude along with Haget Drake she comes