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Mrs Barry is trying out the fat in our fowl in the oven & has called me in to look at it. she has made a lot of grease & will use it for cooking. it may come in handy. I never throw such things away, some do I never saw such a large gizzard as there was in the fowl. I like that but I didnt [[didn't]] like the liver. 

We called up Martha Bullock the other day to find out about her daughter Helen & very soon after it we heard she went out & slipped on ice & fell & broke her wrist & had to have some nurse come & take care them. isn't it too bad, help is so scarce and all with a sick daughter, it pays to go slow, one can fall over things inside as well as outside of ones house.

I sent your bundle by railway express last Thursday. & got the cloth for Doris slips Saturday. I mended both of those unions suites as I had plenty of flannel to do it with, so one seemed as good as the other, they will last a little while but not long. as they were most worn out both of them. 

I hope you are having warmer days as your house is too cold to live in such as weather. 

What kind of a position has Amys [[Amy's]] daughter got down in Washington? Amy may go down to live there is she stays there long. Rachie is lucky to have her children near her, in her old age, she is long lived like myself & enjoys herself well I think. 

love Ma