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[[note]] Hope the family picture got there safe they were all good likenesses & very natural did the shirt waist fit you? it was an old one in my bureau & doing no good. it's still snowing & bids fair to be very deep by morning when another snowstorm is predicted a big one 8 inches. Ma. [[/note]]

Stoughton January 14th 1945

Dear Doris

The day is cold & snowy one is glad to stay inside & read their Sunday paper. 

We have just been to dinner which consisted of oyster stew & cold slaw & chocolate pudding for desert. I have done my weeks washing & hung it out on the porch, where the clothes are frozen stiff & icicles hang down from the bottom. 

The temperature early this morning it went down to 5° & this afternoon on the porch its 20° above its been so cold this week to day was the only day she has been out & went to church. the choir were all there but only eight or nine in the congregation & the sermon was not worth hearing. he is more of a lecturer than a minister

Mrs. Barry is sweeping up around the little stove which she dearly loves & its most time to make up the fire to warm up the rooms, the oil heat went off some time ago.

I guess we are having our coldest winter weather with lots of snowstorms. we heard a little robin chirping this morning, poor little thing. he probably is staying on through the winter.