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Stoughton January 4th 1940
Dear Doris
This is a cloudy morning but not so cold. we are having terrible cold weather but last night it clouded up and grew warmer during the day to day the weather report this morning said a very light snow today and colder tonight. 
I think of you in your one pipe heater. no wonder you want to get away from home. thus for our house we have managed to keep pretty comfortable. We had a freak storm Monday it clouded up and about five in the afternoon the wind blew a gale and the rain came down in buckets. I was here alone Frank Reynolds had taken all the good singers in the choir over to Brockton to join the musical society that meets once a year they stay till around 10 O'clock and have a good supper after the sing. I stayed down stairs as long as I could then went up in my room, even so I could not get away from that terrible storm and finally went off to bed. it was warm and so I didnt make up the fire in the little stove here in the sitting room. one fire out in the kitchen range was all I wanted to manage.