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Stoughton December 20th 1944

Dear Doris

I will get off my letter to you but know not when you will receive it as the mails are so crowded. 

I am here by my lonesome as she has just gone down to mail some packages to go as soon as possible to her sister in New Jersey. Josaphines [[Josephine's]] she sent early at the time I sent mine.

We had a snowstorm Tuesday. I woke up to find two foot of snow covering the ground & still snowing it cleared about night. a little new moon came out with a bright star right beside it a beautiful sight. this morning the thermometer was 10° above but today is very sunny the wind diminished during the night & I am in hopes it will grow warmer. we had our oil up tank filled this morning & have plenty of coal enough to last all winter. in that respect we are very fortunate. Murphy looks out for us & tells us not to worry. 

We are going to have a fowl for xmas. Turkeys are too scarce & expensive. I dont care much for meat as I grow older.