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I have fixed the little stove here in the sitting room and got it all ready to light. that keeps us warm days & way into the night. then the oil comes on & we have a good warm house in the morning to dress by & the dining is good & warm to eat our breakfast in.

Myrtie called us up yesterday & said that Delmont Sandham who it spoke of in the paper who had died, was the woman who Kanute used to live with. the name sounded very familiar to me but I couldn't make out who she was, when I read it in the Enterprise. she said Alice was quite happy to be able to teach + the teacher who boarded there with them, comes from Lynn + they are both very fond of her, she goes home over the week end + gets back Sunday night. Myrtie fell on the side walk she said + injured her good knee. She sent us both a card X mas. + seems content with life.

Done of the Ballantines roomers are out shovelling a path to their garage. the snow is very light + easy to sweep, I hope it goes off before it is icy. 

Well now I will stop writing + put my letter out so the man who comes with our next mail will get it off to you as early as possible. 

wish you a merry X mas love Ma

Transcription Notes:
i agree with the previous persons transcription